An international conference to disseminate project results. Important stakeholders (teachers, teacher trainers, university proffessors, researchers, education authorities responsible for producing digital resources for Educational Authorities and teacher training etc) will be invited. In the conference will also participate students and teachers from schools in participant countries. Students also participate in the conference and were interviewved by a conductor of a Radio programme. They showed to the audience that they are familiar with the use of media.
There were direct conections in Radio Coruña Cadena Ser to the audience in the program “Hoy por Hoy “.
The project results were be presented at a final dissemination conference in Spain which aims at sensitising the relevant actors in the field (educational & administration bodies , teachers , teacher trainers, teachers and students) Target groups: teachers, teacher trainers, students teachers, university proffesors, proffesionals of communication, from participant institution and other instituions The aim of the conference is to bring together practitioners, teachers, university professors. At the heart of the event is the question of “ How best to equip teachers with the skills, knowledge and attitudes" paying special atention to : Audiovisual skills Digital skills Communication Learning designs (learning objectives, tasks, outputs, skills and competences, assessment.) In that context, participant will have the opportunity to discuss and explore the practicalities with practitioners in order to Equip teachers with the specific skills and knowledge. The second objective is disseminate project results RC and all participant schools radios will cover the information about the event together with participant students.
See the Final Conference Agenda
If you like to see the conference streaming click here
The School Radio Competition will took place in Santiago de Compostela on November 5 at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). This contest was an event organized within the European project Schools for 21st Century, the objectives of which can be seen in the section of the project website. Among them was the creation of radio programs implemented at the schools by teachers participating in the project. These radio programs were created to teach radio journalism; engage in discussions about current affairs in a way that develops students' critical thinking and literacy skills, allowing them to apply these skills to news.
During the conference The prizes were awarded for the works selected in the "School Radio" contest in which schools from Lithuania, Italy, Portugal and Spain participated. The awards, according to the experts, were of High Quality.
These were the awarded works . See the results
Multiplier Event in Lithuania
The Multipler event was organizad in Lituania to disseminate project resulis . Teachers and advisors presented the diferent outputs:
- Course for teachers
- Piloting the course
- App to evaluate teachers digital competences
Multiplier Event in Barcelos Portugal
This one day event iwas planned to provide primary and secondary school teachers, headteachers, teacher trainers and advisors in Portugal with an overview on the possibilities of the products developed in our project, as well as provide a practical approach to our methodology and tools. Introduce the course implemented in the project and the role of a radio at schools and their relevance in the improvement of communication skills in teachers and students , but also critical thinking, open-mind… Students will be able to improve their knowledge about communication skiils and digital skills. The project results will be disseminated through presentation of school practices
At the heart of the event was the question of “how best to equip teachers with the skills, knowledge and attitudes paying special atention to :
- Audiovisual skills
- Digital skills
- Communicatio