Strategic Partnerships For School Education


Learning network teacher training course online


Piloting Report

Training digital skills of teachers requires constant updating to improve teaching with the educational use of technologies. On many occasions, this training focuses only on the didactic use of digital tools integrated on the learning process. The design of educational practices with digital tools has to start from pedagogical approaches and its application to practice contexts which must seek innovation and improvement. For this reason, the course has been developed as a strategy for the autonomous learning of teachers, giving the opportunity to learn about learning practices in the use of digital tools. The course also considers that training with others is a powerful strategy; so the activities designed for experimentation are proposed to be work among several teachers.

Course objectives

1.-Increase innovation and quality of education and training using digital tools.

2.- Explore new ways of learning / teaching and evaluating in innovative ways.

3.- Develop teaching skills to motivate and train students to develop active learning, be socially aware, critical thinkers, capable of making decisions, and so on.

4.- Implement cutting-edge digital skills and audiovisual literacy through collaboration with experts and through connected learning in participating schools.

Module Contents:

1.- Audiovisual litetaracy (poscast, animations, interactives video, ...) Module

2.- Digital and media literacy (Blogs, Virtual reality, programming ...)

3.- Communication skills (radio media and genres ...)     

4.- Project (Participants put knowledge into practice, through carrying out Projects)

Methodology used

In this course, active  learning and learning-by-doing methodologies are used, which not only includes experiential learning, but also learning from the real world and a direct application of knowledge. Collaborative learning is also used, since the participating teachers can learn from each other, for this reason, in addition to promoting peer learning, the forum will be strengthened to resolve doubts and technical aspects.

The activities that have been proposed were designed to give autonomy to the participants and to be able to experiment in the classroom with the students. This dynamic also allows support and advice, both from the course and in collaborative learning. Among these activities, the last one consists of the development of a project, in which each teacher will be able to deepen the innovation of their practice with a complete design that allows a deeper change by knowing all the opportunities for good practices and uses of ICT. offered by the course.


This was the calendar (some countries had a delay because of the COVID)

Module Start Finish
Module 1 25-01-21 28-02-21
Module 2 01-03-21 20-03-21
Module 3 22-03-21 18-04-21
Module 4 19-04-21 07-05-21


See the coments from teachers


The course  was piloted in  four countries Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain. 100 teachers participated in the course. See the examples of BEST PRACTICES

Para visitar los cursos introduzca el usuario y contraseña

To visit the courses enter the username and password

To visit the Spanish course click here

To visit the Portuguese course click here

To visit the Lithuanian course click here

To visit the Italian course click here

To visit the English course click here



Teachers21C APP

An App on teachers digital competences  is  a  result of the project “SCHOOLS FOR 21ST CENTURY”

As an output the project produced an  APP  to evaluate teachers competences  European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators – DigCompEdu.  DigCompEdu is a scientifically sound background framework which helps to guide policy and can be directly adapted to implementing regional and national tools and training programmes. In addition, it provides a common language and approach that will help the dialogue and exchange of best practices across borders.

The DigCompEdu framework is directed towards educators at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and vocational education and training, special needs education, and non-formal learning contexts. It aims to provide a general reference frame for developers of Digital Competence models, i.e. Member States, regional governments, relevant national and regional agencies, educational organizations themselves, and public or private professional training providers.

With the APP a teacher can  get to know exactly  which competences  she/he  achieves   and which ones he/she must improve.

The APP includes cases  to show teachers how to evaluate teachers  digital competences  we invite you to visit the app or download it in your telephone.

To visit the app CLICK HERE and register to be able to access the App and know about your digital skills acording to :

European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators


Dissemination Report

Here you can see the Project Dissemination activities.

Dissemination Report