- Access to the Conference StreamingAgenda The conference in numbers If you like to see the conference streaming click here
- Schools21st Final Conference EventOn November 5th 2021, the Schools21st Final Conference was held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Santiago de Compostela, with the awards ceremony for the […]
- Schools21C Final conference in Santiago de CompostelaFinal Conference Date: 5th November 2021 Venue: Faculty of Educational Science See details To attend to the conference every participant must be registered here
- Students produce podcasts at school radiosHere you have some links to the works News 1 News 2 News 3 World radio day Castelao Amancio Ortega
- Radio experiences – Schools for 21st Century projectAfter more than a year in progress, the European project Schools for 21st Century, in which the Radio Coruña Group participates, is making progress with the implementation of school radios in […]
- Face to face teacher training course in Santiago de CompostelaApply for grant KEY ACTION 1: LEARNING MOBILITY OF INDIVIDUALS We´d like to anounce the teachers training course that wiil take place at the University of Santiago de Compostela In 2021 […]
- Course in five languagesCourse in five languages (November 2020) Partners are translating the course to the four partners languages: Lithuanian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, also to English, adapting the examples to their own language.
- Course for teacher trainingCourse for teacher training (October 2020) Partners participating in the Project led by the USC hace finalized the English versión of the course. it Includes four modules Module 1: Audiovisual literacy […]
- Cpi O Cruce published the blog “Radio Aloumiños”CPI O Cruce published the blog “Radio Aloumiños” with a teachers proposal to students and so they created their first podcasts, It couldn´t be in the school radio, because we were […]
- New Chapter in the Podcast #Schools21C projectA new chapter of the #podcast #In theRedition is already published. Collaboration reflecting on radio as a teaching resource! A media today more necessary than ever and our European project “Schools […]
- The new project Schools21C beginsThe researchers and coordinators of the SCHOOLS21C project met for the first time in Vilnius, Lithuania, at the Kick-off meeting of “Schools for 21ST Century” on November 10th and 20th. With […]
- Conference on initial support for Erasmus+2019 strategic partnership projectsOn October 7th and 8th, Carmen Fernández-Morante, Principal Researcher of the Educational Technology group, attended the conference on initial support for Erasmus+ 2019 Strategic Partnership projects. During the workshop they have […]
Proffesionals from Radio Coruña visit Ría do Burgo school
17 June 2021

Radio is consolidated in the metropolitan area of A Coruña as an essential tool to promote and improve the communication skills of students. More schools are setting up small radio studios within school facilities so that students are the ones who generate content and learn at the same time.