Strategic Partnerships For School Education

Radio Coruña SL – Cadena SER (SPAIN)

Address: Plaza de Ourense 3, 2º - 15004 A Coruña, Galicia (Spain)
PIC 936155149


The institution

Radio Coruña is a private radio broadcast, located in Galicia, associated to Prisa Radio " Cadena SER" . Throughout the year, Radio Coruña organizes various activities related to the world of youth, which pays special attention throughout their programming. From December to May, Radio Coruña organizes radio programs with primary or secondary schools.

In this program, schools broadcast radio programs produced by students themselves, under the supervision of professionals and teachers, who develop the content to be broadcast in the program. Students prepare interviews, debates, round tables, surveys and other media stories. Also once a month and coincide with the academic year, Radio Coruña broadcasts a program from any faculty of the University of Coruña, to bring academic world to society in general and provide the perspective of its specialists to public debates.

Every year, Radio Coruña organizes grassroots basketball tournament, in collaboration with the Basketball club Coruña, for schoolchildren. During the celebration they give priority values like teamwork.


Goal of partner in SCHOOLS21C Project

  • Contribute to project Management.
  • Contribute to project activities and participate in project meetings (face to face and virtual).
  • Contributed to "Analysis of existing practices in teacher training" (from the point of view of use of media at school and communication).
  • Collaborate with output 1.
  • Collaborate to implement course (Communication module) for teacher training.
  • Collaborate the piloting and piloting report.
  • Contribute to the Learning/Teaching/Training Activities in collaboration with the university of Santiago.
  • Collaborate with CESGA in design APP that includes audiovisual and digital skills teachers must achieve (communication). In it there will be 3 levels: a. Core of skills; b. Intermediate skills; c. Advanced skills.
  • They lead in collaboration with USC, partners and associated schools to implement Radio Programs - Radio journalism - Podcasting & genres, Common core curriculum-
  • Collaborate with CESGA in implementing the Radio APP that will make possible interact with listeners, know how many are connected at the moment…
  • Contribute to the quality plan and report.
  • Contribute to the Dissemination and Exploitation plan and report. (Collaborates in dissemination through their channels will organize radio programmes to disseminate project results Round Tables, Debates,...).
  • Will collaborate in prepare and submit Interims and Final Report (content and financial parts) and provide any documentation and other reports as requested.